1953 Buick Skylark Convertible
Bob Hope was an American comedian and film actor, noted for his entertainment of American military troops overseas. Born Leslie Towne Hope in Eltham, England, his parents took him to Cleveland, Ohio, when he was four years old. Hope made his first appearance on the Broadway stage in 1927 in The Sidewalks of New York. Between 1928 and 1932 he traveled the nightclub and small-theater circuit as a stand-up comic. Later in 1932 he starred on the Broadway stage in the musical comedy Ballyhoo.

Hope first performed on radio in 1935 and three years later had his own show on a major network. In 1938 he also appeared in the first of some 60 films, The Big Broadcast of 1938. Some of his later films were The Cat and the Canary (1939), Road to Singapore (1940), Road to Zanzibar (1941), Road to Utopia (1946), Road to Rio (1947), and Road to Bali (1953), all with the American actor Dorothy Lamour and the American singer and actor Bing Crosby. Other films include The Facts of Life (1961) and Cancel My Reservation (1972).
On television, he appeared often as master of ceremonies, a role in which his sharp wit and mastery of repartee were especially effective. He entertained American troops throughout World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Persian Gulf War.
One of the world’s most recognized and beloved entertainers, Bob Hope is best known as a comedian, and as the guy who’s always ready to fly off and entertain the troops. Throughout his extraordinary professional career of nearly seventy years, Bob Hope practiced the arts he learned in Vaudeville and perpetuated variety entertainment traditions in stage musical comedy, motion pictures, radio, television, and the live appearances he made around the world. Beginning during World War II he began entertaining military personnel world wide and continued to do so through the Gulf War.
The 1953 Skylark, was built as a limited edition to commemorate Buick’ s 50th Anniversary. Only 1690 1953 Skylark’s were made and each was custom built to order with the owner’s name embedded in the steering wheel. The Skylark was only available as a convertible with a design that spoke of class and performance. This is arguably one of the most collectible Buicks ever.